Nobody cares!

How frustrated are you? Do you get the feeling that no one cares anymore?

My commitment to our Ki Visions Leader Development Process has helped me approach life from a more positive attitude. I look for examples of the Abundance Mentality wherever I go.

I had an instance recently I feel is worth sharing with you.

I was dependent upon a bureaucrat for something I wanted to do for my Dad (he’s 91 and doing really well, considering, but I still like to do things for him to ensure whatever time he has left with us is memorable). Maintaining control over my frustration, I worked with this bureaucrat as best I could.

Along comes another customer. Her name is Joyce. I had never met her before. The bureaucrat required something of me I did not have. But Joyce did. Now, Joyce could have easily just stood in line. In fact, her “turn” would likely have come up more quickly if she had just kept quiet. But, she offered to help. She had the solution I was looking for and reluctantly the bureaucrat acceded to my request.

Thanks, Joyce. Not just for helping me out but proving that there are folks out there who do care. It gives us hope that the human race can still work together to increase Peace, Freedom, and Prosperity.

I hope you chose to be part of this team. I know Joyce’s act makes it more likely that I will try to help someone the next chance I get.

Remember: live with an Abundance Mentality, Concentrate on Priorities, and Earnestly Pursue your Purpose…with Passion!

Faith in humanity – do you have any left?

There is so much wrong in the world: hate, violence, destruction, indifference…

There is also so much right in the world. I think it starts with a belief in the Abundance Mentality (vs. scarcity…). It is the way to go through our days. Let’s face it, we are all in this together. If we work to craft a truly unifying vision (that doesn’t necessarily mean we tolerate all behaviors…) and work to bring that vision to reality, the world will be a better place. When we find ourselves on this path, it is a beautiful thing. That doesn’t mean it will be easy. Just ask Ghandi, Dr. King, Mother Theresa, and thousands of other true leaders who had the guts and the fortitude to do the right thing in the face of danger and criticism. There are many lesser known but very important leaders like Branch Rickey – one of my personal favorites.

Then there are those true leaders we meet everyday…like the lady that helped me out this morning. It was a simple, insignificant-to-the-world event but still, I had my faith in humanity restored once again. My Dad is 91. Using the GI Bill benefit he earned as a Marine in World War II, he graduated from the University of Buffalo with a degree in accounting. They didn’t have a football team back then but they do today. He has never seen them play. We decided to give Dad a treat. I went to purchase tickets at the Penn State Ticket Office this morning. The clerk explained that since I was not a member of the Nittany Lion Club, I would have to pay the “premium” price. A lady whom I have never seen or met before this morning offered to use her Club membership to help me out. The difference in price was huge! Why would she do that? She wasn’t guaranteed credit or other external reward. She could have easily just waited her turn and conducted her business but, no…she saw an opportunity to help a fellow human being…AND SHE TOOK IT!

This is the reality of the Abundance Mentality – we don’t need to be a Dr. King to make a positive difference in the world. We simply need to be open to the opportunities to help others.

Not that I ever lost faith, I really believe in humans or I wouldn’t waste my time helping good people become great leaders…that would be a wasted effort.

Together, we can solve the problems of the world. We can make things better. It just takes each of us to recognize an opportunity and have the willingness to stand up and say “I’ll help.”

I’m going to spend the rest of my day with my eyes open for an opportunity…how about you?

Have your challenges been great enough to unlock your potential?

It is unnatural for humans, in our current condition, to search out what we might call unnecessary risks – BUT – I firmly believe that the people who fully unlock their potential do so not by being forced to sit on a beach all day but by the trials and tribulations that mold them into the incredible success stories they become. Today – Aug 18 – is a significant day for all of us who have had the opportunity to “slip the surly bonds” – for it was on this day that 19 year old John Gillespie Magee, Jr. began to write the famous poem, High Flight. He was stationed as a Spitfire pilot near Lincolnshire, England in 1941. Hmmm…a poet and a WW2 fighter pilot…strange combination, eh? I don’t think so…I think it is one of the greatest stories that show we each have a purpose that might seem to be at odds with our passions. Having never met John, I can only surmise why he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force – why he took the risk – WW2 was raging across Europe – he had the easy way out in front of him – he had a scholarship to Yale that he turned down. I doubt he had a vision that flying against the Luftwaffe would further his writing capability…but he did it anyway. Having felt it myself, I assume he felt called to serve during those troubled times. Being willing to throw himself around the sky in a motorized tin can implies he went “all in”; he accepted a grave duty which likely opened his eyes to the magic and mystery of flight. I believe it was the challenges he faced that helped him craft that time honored poetic celebration of the victory of humans over those surly bonds that hold us on the ground.

I know many who don’t accept current risks or their purpose – they often believe they have plenty of time for the serious business of life…well… 3 months later, yes, just 3 months after he finished the poem – he was gone – it was a tragic training accident – as all of us who fly do, he knew the risks – but he did it anyway.

What challenges should you accept? What challenges will help mold you into the leader you are intended to be?

Go here to see one of my favorite renditions of the poem:

I hope it inspires you to accept the challenges that come your way and you, too, unlock your potential and achieve great success. If you want help along the way, all you have to do is follow us – we’ll show you the way to your dreams.

Until next time, live with an Abundance mentality, Concentrate on priorities, and Earnestly pursue your purpose with passion!

As my dear friend Dr. Covey would offer, “Begin with the end in mind”

I was once asked by a seemingly confused seminar attendee if the seminar was about leader development or decision making?

Communication is so important and I had failed because I made an assumption – an assumption that caused consternation for this person. The reality: everything we do in life is about decision making.

My purpose is to help good people become great leaders. To be successful, I must help those good people make good decisions.

I just read an article about the savings habits of Millennials (out of US News). The writer was concerned that the actual savings rate for the group is a negative number (i.e., Millennials as a whole appear to be spending more than they are bringing in. For those in college, this makes sense; for those starting a family, I’ve been there!)

The article included this statement as rationale: ““There’s people who really can’t save because they don’t have the means to save and that’s not a small group of people,” Mr. A______ said. “If you’re in a $25,000-a-year job and starting a family, it’s going to be very hard to accumulate savings regardless of your consumption decisions.”

At some point, I highly recommend all readers learn the lesson my wife and I learned so many years ago.

We had been married a couple years and met a man who wanted to help us plan for our financial security. We had no “extra” cash to put away for something as far away as a child’s education or wedding or our own retirement. We had to buy diapers and baby food and…

He sat with us and patiently negotiated the “wild” sum of $25/month. We had no clue where it was going to come from but we agreed and committed to try it for 6 months. That 6 months became many decades (and yes, we eventually added a “bit” more than our original $25!).

At the end of our first year, we were quite proud of ourselves – we had put away $300 – and that was growing due to interest and appreciation.

What I’ve come to realize: the amount of money was truly secondary. It was the decision we made – to realize we had a goal of being financially secure at some point and we had started to bring that dream into reality. Maybe we would not be rich but at least able to pay our bills throughout our lives.

Instead of offering excuses for why something can’t be done, determine what you eventually want and start making the decisions today that will help you get there.

That’s the basis of Ki Visions – The Leader Development Company. We help good people become great leaders so they can unlock their potential and the potential of those they do or will lead.

I used financial security as the basis of this post because it is so easy for each of us to understand the desire to be financially secure.

Are you secure in your ability to lead people – including yourself? Go find one thing you can do today that will help you on that path to becoming a great leader. Let me know what it is and what I might be able to do to help you take the next step to make a concrete decision and commit to making it happen. Together, we can make a real difference in your life and the lives of those with whom you work.

Come SOAR with us!

Finding our purpose…

Karen Quintos, Dell CMO, offered this quote recently: “Find and follow your purpose – it is an excellent compass for your career and your life.”

I think she has captured the essence of what is missing in so many people – a sense of purpose that can drive incredible accomplishments.

Do you know your purpose?

A tragic situation allowed me to realize my purpose many years ago. I’ll tell the story sometime. I call it, “He didn’t get to say goodbye…”

Although what I do on a daily basis has changed a few times in the 40+ years since I had that epiphany, the basis to the idea has stood the test of time.

How about you? What’s your “calling”? Please comment and let me also know how you derived your answer. If you are “stuck” in search mode, that’s ok too. Together, I bet we can figure out how to help you “Soar”!

This is one of the many things we do at Ki Visions in our quest to help good people become great leaders…so they can unlock, engage, & optimize the potential in those they lead.

Off Track

This post is off track from the line we have been following but I think it is important. Hopefully it will help many of you get back on track…

I just finished reading about a study of facebook users that indicates a concern of mine is indeed true and growing. The basis of the study concluded that witnessing friends’ reports on their love lives and work success can create envy and trigger feelings of loneliness. The researchers apparently found that 1/3 of the 600 participants in the study felt WORSE after visiting the site and were more dissatisfied with their lives.

As your leader coach, it is my responsibility to help ensure you unlock your potential and live life to its fullest! If you fit the mold of the people in this study, here’s your post-flight evaluation:
1. Stop living vicariously and worrying about what others are doing; live your life.
2. Don’t believe everything you see on the internet; is it really so hard to believe lots of people embellish their stories?
3. Start determining your own dreams and then work to make them come true.

The solution is easy to express and maybe harder to achieve. We can help you with your professional life. Continue to follow this blog. Plus, read the 1st book in our 7 part leader development series, “Become the Boss You Always Wanted”. A huge benefit to followers of our “Living With the Consequences” series is the ability to become the boss of your life…

Work with us. What you learn from us can help make your work life more positive, fulfilling, and satisfying!

S.L.A.M. – how many of the roles do you “play” well?

Our last post asked you to attempt to identify the 4 primary roles “played” by people in positions of authority (i.e., bosses).

Many new bosses tell me they aren’t sure if they made the right decision (i.e., to go to college, spend all that money, have an incredible debt burden, and constantly feel like they are slammed). I feel their pain! I was in their shoes many years ago.

I could throw my arm around their shoulders and claim, “it will be ok” but it is my nature to coach and so I typically reply, “Do you know what’s causing the problem so we can begin to fix it?” Many of these new bosses look at me quizzically and respond, “I see so many people in a similar state I just assumed this is the way life was going to be. Are you telling me it can be better?”

I think there is a direct correlation between so many bosses and the zombie craze on TV. The “virus” that has caused this state of shattered dreams and fatalistic attitudes is spreading. I’ll share the beginning of a secret our clients get in full: life can be wonderfully invigorating.

Once I know what my new clients do (i.e., the technical aspects of their job) I ask them to identify the 4 roles of people like them who are in positions of authority (i.e., bosses). Usually they begin to recite their job description (some of the really important stuff just isn’t taught in college…). I help them realize they have been S.L.A.M.’ed.

The four primary roles of the boss are fairly simple yet distinct:

Your quest for the week: join the discussion by using a short answer to describe the basic components of each role. Have the guts to post your inputs to the Better Bosses Blog. You and I may disagree on our answers, but you will grow in time and “Become the Boss You Always Wanted” (

Until the next post, think about how you can grow by adopting the meaning of this quote: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller

Your Leader Coach,

Ken Pasch, CHE, CLdrC
President, Ki Visions, Inc.

The 4 Primary Roles…

Welcome back to the Better Bosses Blog!

How would you rate the bosses you have had? How would others rate your “boss-ability”?

In my continual search to stay on top of the issues, I find numerous reports that outline a stark difference: most people in positions of authority (our “bosses”) believe they are eminently qualified and competent; but, those surveys also indicate most of us do not share that same sense of confidence in our boss.

This lack of understanding on the part of the boss leads to inefficient workers, minimal innovation, and low productivity.

Why are so many bosses “clueless” about their workers’ opinions? Perhaps it’s time to take a closer look at our potential “boss-ability” and examine why there are so few “Better Bosses” out there.

Our intent is never to berate but to help you improve. If you are reading this you likely yearn to be a “Better Boss”, now or in the future. Perhaps you have been thrust into a position of authority with little training or experience and find yourself mired in the day-to-day operations. Or maybe you aspire to become the boss you always wanted and have decided that it’s time to begin the process.

Take a deep breath, slow down, remove any distractions, and let’s start at the beginning…

Realization #1: Becoming a “Better Boss” is a process. One you will likely refine throughout your entire working life. If you ever find yourself believing you have it all figured out, you have stopped growing. Never stop growing…

The first step is to understand the 4 primary roles bosses are required to “play”? Do you know what they are? We have developed an acronym to make it easier to remember and become a “Better Boss”: S.L.A.M.

Join the discussion. See if you can be the first to offer what we believe to be the 4 primary roles.

Until next time, use these words to help make today special: “All glory comes from daring to begin.” – Alexander Graham Bell

Better Bosses Blog Intro

Bad Boss, Bad Boss What ya’ gonna do, what ya’ gonna do when one hires you?

Many of us may find humor in this idiom, but how many of us have truly had a Bad Boss, or more than one for that matter?
A recent survey found that more than 31% of 1,000 people surveyed admit they have a bad boss. Let’s take a look at what most employees think constitutes a Bad Boss.
The following characteristics of Bad Bosses were taken from reader comments on Human Resources website.
1. Bad Bosses love brownnosers and tattletales. They choose favorites and cover up/ make excuses for the poor work of their incompetent favorites.
2. Bad Bosses fail to communicate and have no expectations, timelines or goals.
3. Bad Bosses use disciplinary measures inappropriately. They admonish employees in front of others.
4. Bad Bosses speak loudly, rudely or one-sidedly to staff. They bully and intimidate others.
5. Bad Bosses take credit for the successes of and positive accomplishments of their employees. In addition, they blame others for their mistakes.
6. Bad Bosses fail to provide rewards and recognition for positive employee performance.
7. ______________ (what example would you include on this list? Send it to me through the Better Bosses Blog)

Sound familiar?

Maybe you find yourself dealing with these types of bosses on a daily basis at work, which makes you groan, rollover and sigh when the morning wake-up alarm rings.
Perhaps you feel you were lied to in the job interview, your ideas aren’t taken seriously, or there’s no room for advancement in your present position.
Perhaps you are a boss or aspiring to become one, do you have a good role model on which to base your leadership philosophy?

Join us weekly for discussion via our Better Bosses Blog on topics relating to bosses and how you can aspire to work with one or become one.

Our topics will be based on our recently released book, “Become the Boss You Always Wanted.”

Haven’t viewed our award winning video on Bosses… Click here: